Tag Archives: health

How To Keep Your Mind & Body Healthy Even When You’re Too Busy

Deadlines, rush hours, paper works, and projects – these are just some of the words that make us instantly feel tired and exhausted. One of the serious dilemmas that we are facing right now is the idea of being busy. We are just too preoccupied with what’s going on with our lives right now (career, family, social life, love life, etc.) that we tend to forget to relax – to tone down a bit and chill.

But no matter how busy we are, it’s also important to rest and ensure that both our mind and body are in perfect state. Here are three crucial things that you need to do to keep your mind and body healthy:


You can always find a way do exercise routines even if you don’t have the luxury of time to hit the gym and workout. Notice that there are already plenty of apps that you can download in your phone promoting 5-minute or 15-minute workout routines. And not just that, there are also a lot more of things that you can do to keep yourself fit. Let’s take for example – instead of taking a cab for work, consider walking or riding a bike (especially your workplace is just a few blocks away). Instead of using the elevator, how about taking the stairs?

See? There’s no excuse for skipping exercises!


A lot of us prefer using our remaining energy after work hitting the bar or partying all night. And while it’s nice to have fun while we’re still young, let’s make sure that we aren’t depriving our body of sleep. See to it that by 10 PM we are all set for bed. Our body needs 8 hours of sleep to be able to rejuvenate and cope up from whatever we did during the daytime. Dozing early helps our brain relax – so let’s not take sleeping for granted.


It doesn’t even have to be a book or a novel and yes, it doesn’t have to be a 600-pages book. Reading short stories or even news clippings can help improve our vocabulary and keep our mind sharp and focused. It also keeps our imagination active and our perception of things on point.

Read stories during your lunchtime or even before retiring to bed. It doesn’t really require a lot of time.

Stay healthy! Take care of your body!

Benefits of Primary Care – Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy – Lifestyle Medicine

5 Benefits of Primary Care

In an increasingly complex medical world, having one doctor who knows your health history has become highly important.

Researchers at the journal Health Affairs found that patients who have a primary care provider benefit from better management of chronic diseases, lower overall health-care costs and a higher level of satisfaction with their care…



What is the Difference Between Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy?

Sports medicine and physical therapy are frequently confused for being the same thing. Understandably so since both focus on healing injuries of the muscles and bones. However, sports medicine and physical therapy have distinct differences. … A physical therapist does not need to attend medical school…



Physical Therapy: The Center for Massage Therapy Way

Whether you have sustained an injury on the job, strained a muscle working out, or simply fallen in your home, restoring your body to optimal performance is the goal of physical therapy. Physical therapy offers countless opportunities for you to pursue an active, healthy lifestyle. Neuromuscular massage therapy helps ensure that you do not miss out on these opportunities due to injury…



Schools Push Lifestyle Medicine to Boost Chronic-Disease Prevention

For all that medical students, residents and physicians learn or know about advances in pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and precision medicine that can improve patient outcomes, it is what happens in patients’ lives where they live, work and play that too often gets passed over—across the medical educational continuum. That is the case even though lifestyle choices can have the biggest impact on prevention and management of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes…



Lifestyle Medicine: Treating the Causes of Disease

If doctors can eliminate some of our leading killers by treating the underlying causes of chronic disease better than nearly any other medical intervention, why don’t more doctors do it?

By treating the root causes of diseases with plants not pills, we can also avoid the adverse side effects of prescription drugs that kill more than 100,000 Americans every year, making them a leading cause of death…


How Does Smoking Damage Your Skin? – Marijuana and Your Skin

When someone mentions the toll smoking takes on your skin, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Most of us probably think of wrinkles, and with good reason. Some of the toxins in cigarette smoke damage collagen and elastin, which are fibrous components of skin that keep it firm and supple. This damage speeds up skin aging, making smokers more prone to wrinkles on their face and body…



Injury Prevention for Tennis Players – Shoulder Exercises

One of the main components of the RAW Tennis Performance Training Program is injury prevention. Tennis players are especially susceptible to shoulder injuries. One component of the AE shoulder pre-hab program is scapular stabilization exercises…



Dr. Hillel Harris

Dr. Hillel Harris treats patients in his office at Primary MD Care, located in Delray Beach, Florida. He provides thoughtful and intuitive primary healthcare in a comfortable, community setting. He aims to treat each patient with compassion and integrity. He utilizes the latest approaches to treating illness and managing chronic disease. He promotes an integrative approach towards wellness, using a combination of lifestyle modification and medications.

Dr. Harris promotes an active lifestyle through making wise food choices and promoting physical activity. His interest in sports science combined with the latest advancements in sports nutrition have led him to create MD Sports, which provides tailor-made programs for athletic performance, and for those seeking to become more physically fit…



Rebuild Your Body’s Immune System

I believe this is phase 1 of 2019’s goals coming to fruition. It’s time for all the stars to align and all these dreams to come true for me and for you‼️

Big thank you to APCO for creating these products that have given me new life with my health. All business aside this is hands down the most efficacious health product I’ve ever used.

5 plant based ingredients without toxins and chemicals backed by a 41 year old publicly traded company.

Have you tried these products?

Here is what they do on a real basic level. We all have an immune system. This is our bodies main defense. White blood cells, T-cells and B-cells protect the body. These body guards holds off foreign invaders and pathogens.

The products either boost (increase) the T-Cells or they regulate if you have reactive white blood cells.

I’m not a doctor or a scientist so let me give you this in another way.

You are a King or a Queen and you live in a castle. Your immune system are the guards. The better trained and prepared the guards are the longer you stay in your control of your castle.
Let down your guard and havoc will invade. Once the castle is invaded it is much harder to defend. Keep the enemies out and live in peace.

I see these products as my guards and you can bet that this castle called my life and health is going to be protected.

Let’s build strong castles and help one another stay in control of our health.

These are the most affordable and well trading guards that you will find anywhere in the world.

Protect your castle click here to find out more!


-A Friend who cares